- Area Subjek Library of Congress (6)
- Bahasa dan sastra (6)
- Sastra (Umum) (6)
- Orasi. Deklamasi. (6)
- Pembelajaran dan pengajaran (6)
- Pembelajaran dan pengajaran (6)
- Orasi. Deklamasi. (6)
- Sastra (Umum) (6)
- Filsafat. Psikologi. Agama (6)
- Islam. Kepercayaan Bahai. Teosofi, dll (6)
- Islam (6)
- Karya umum (6)
- Pembelajaran dan pengajaran (6)
- Karya umum (6)
- Islam (6)
- Islam. Kepercayaan Bahai. Teosofi, dll (6)
- Bahasa dan sastra (6)
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Kusmaryati, Sri Endang and Sulistyowati, Titis (2011) Activating Both Left and Right Sides of Brain in Teaching for Young Learners. Proceedings of the 1st National COnference on ELT and Culture: revitalizing the practice of teaching english to young learners in Indonesia (TEYLIN). pp. 197-203. ISSN 978-602-99683-0-9
Sulistyowati, Titis (2011) Encouraging EFL Students to Interact: the value of playing outdoor games. Proceedings 58th TEFLIN International Conference: language teaching and character building. pp. 319-325. ISSN 978-602-8047-33-3
Sulistyowati, Titis (2011) The Impact of Teaching Listening Comprehension by Audio Video and Audio Picture Aids on The Third Semester Students' Listening Proficiencies of English Education Department Students of Muria Kudus University in The Academic Year 2009/2010. Sosial dan Budaya, 4 (1). ISSN 1979-6889
Sulistyowati, Titis (2012) Making Large Classes Smaller: the challenge of teaching english to young learners in Indonesia. Proceeding the 2nd National Conference on Teaching English for Young Learners in Indonesia (TEYLIN): TEYLIN: from policy to classroom. pp. 162-170. ISSN 978-602-8006-49-1
Utaminingsih, Sri (2018) Penilaian pembelajaran tematik berbasis HOTS (higher order thinking skill). Other. Badan Penerbit Universitas Muria Kudus, Kudus.