Items where Division is "Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris" and Year is 2019

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Number of items: 133.

AFIAH, JAMILATUL (2019) The correlation between arabic pronunciation mastery and english pronunciation ability of the eleventh grade students of Sma nu al ma’ruf kudus in academic year 2018/2019. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

AMALIA, SHOVI (2019) Learning styles of eed students in learning english (a case study in english education department, teacher training and education faculty muria kudus university). Update Test thesis, UMK.

ANGRAENI, RIZA NOVA (2019) An analysis of expressive speech acts In me before you movie. Update Test thesis, UMK.

AS’ARI, KHUSNA NI’MATUL (2019) The vocabulary mastery of the seventh grade students of mts nurul ulum welahan jepara Taught by using real object. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

ATMAJA, NORMAN LEYMINA (2019) Analysis of lexical cohesion In the bourne supremacy movie script. Update Test thesis, UMK.

AZIZI, AZWAR (2019) Theperception of theeleventhgrade students Of sman 1 pecangaan jepara toward drama as media of teaching speaking. Update Test thesis, UMK.

Adiyawati, Novi Resha (2019) The students’ english achievements With different emotional intelligence (a study in sma n 1 tahunan jepara). Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Afifah, Siti (2019) Improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using repetition drill technique. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Alaudin, Moh (2019) The perceptions toward multimedia In motivating the eighth semester students Of english education department Of muria kudus university. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Angraini, Nurani Husna (2019) Code switching used in “boy william vlogs” (a sociolinguistic study). Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Anifah, Yaya (2019) The learning strategy used by english education department students in speaking class. Update Test thesis, UMK.

Ansori, Muhamad (2019) The reading comprehension of narrative text of the eleventh grade taught by using small group. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Ardiyanto, Riza Maulana (2019) The english education department students perceptions of ideal english teacher In high school level. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Ariyani, Devi (2019) Teaching simple past tense by using mistake buster. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Budairi, Syarif Haidar (2019) Improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using gedrik traditional games. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

FACHRUDIAS, DWICKY (2019) An analysis of slang language in baby driver movie. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

FALICH, HANIF AL (2019) The students speaking ability of tenth graders of smk raden umar said kudus in academic year 2018/2019 taught by using ask and answer question method. Update Test thesis, UMK.

FATMAWATI, NUR LAILY (2019) English vlogs to teach speaking to students Of sma n 1 mejobo kudus in 2019/2020 academic year. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

FIDIYAWATI, MAYA (2019) The student’s writing ability in descriptive text of tenth grade of ma pim mujahidin bageng gembong pati taught by using facebook in academic year 2019/2020. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Fajriyah, Minkhatin (2019) The vocabulary mastery of the eighth grade students Of mts sunan kalijogo cluwak pati in 2018/2019 academic year taught by using mnemonics. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Fitri Yunilarisqi, Nurul (2019) Improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using Animation video. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

HIDAYAH, ARDIANA NUR (2019) The english materials for eleventh grade students Of the technical computer and networking program In vocational school in kudus in academic year 2018/2019. Update Test thesis, UMK.

HIDAYAH, FINA NOOR (2019) Learning strategies used by male and female students of the tenth grade in sma muhammadiyah kudus in academic year 2018/2019. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

HIDAYAH, ISNAYATUL (2019) Speech acts in love expressions in romantic movies: A pragmalinguistic analysis. Update Test thesis, UMK.

Hartinah, Siti (2019) Causal factors of students' problems In learning english. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

KARINATI, KARINATI (2019) Teaching english vocabulary to primary school students by using “kotak pos” game. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

KHASANAH, UMI (2019) The reading comprehension of the eleventh grade students of sma pgri 1 patitaught by using pqrst method in 2018/2019 academic year. Update Test thesis, UMK.

KHAYATI, NOOR (2019) 4cs analysis of textbook “bahasa inggris kelas x” For tenth grade students Published by pusat kurikulum dan perbukuan. Update Test thesis, UMK.

KRISTANTI, MARIA DEWI (2019) The effectiveness of monopoly game In teaching present continuous tense Of the eighth grade students at smp n 4 pati In academic year 2018/2019. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

KUSUMANINGRUM, NAWANG (2019) Students’ perceptions of google translate in translation internship class in english education department of muria kudus university 2018/2019. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Karuniawati, Lina (2019) An analysis of clitics in the novel allegiant by veronica roth. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Kristiani, Naning (2019) An analysis of expressive illocutionary acts found in the great gatsby movie script. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Kusumaningtyas, Dayu (2019) The students’ problems of english presentation in mini seminar activity in academic speaking class. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

LISTIYANINGRUM, TUTUT (2019) Grammatical cohesion analysis in speech transcripts of joko widodo at ceo forum asean-australia summit 2018 and donald trump at inauguration speech 2017. Update Test thesis, UMK.

Listyana, Enggal Novi (2019) Phrasal verb analysis in the english subtitle of Dilan 1990 movie. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

MISROFAH, MAYA (2019) The reading comprehension of the eleventh-graders students taught by using student team achievement divisions (stad). Sarjana thesis, UMK.

MULYANINGTYASTUTI, KURNIA (2019) The motivation of the fifth grade students of sd n kayuapu in learning english through cartoon movie in academic year 2019/2020. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

MUTIARANI, SHINTA DWI (2019) Taboo words used in anna todd’s after 2. Update Test thesis, UMK.

Maghfiroh, Anis (2019) The impoliteness strategies in reader comments and readers’ responses to impoliteness strategies found in reply comments on pannchoa website. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Millah, Lutfia Hanifatul (2019) Using miming game to teach vocabulary to the seventh grade students of mts tarbiyatul islamiyah raci pati in 2018/2019 academic year. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Mirta, Intan Panca (2019) Hidden words application for teaching vocabulary. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Mufaridah, Siti (2019) The use of english movie subtitle To teach students’ reading comprehension. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

NAJIB, AINUN (2019) Code mixing in breakout program transcript on net (sociolinguistic study). Update Test thesis, UMK.

NINGSIH, DEWI ROHYATI (2019) Vocabulary mastery of the eighth grade students of smplb senenan jepara in 2018/2019 academic year being taught by using bcct (beyond centers and circle time) method. Update Test thesis, UMK.

NI’MAH, CHANIFATUN (2019) A comparative study of students’ english achievement With students’ activeness in learning process. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

NOOR, MUHAMAD DIMAS BAGUS ANDREW RIZQI (2019) An analysis of power relation Among the characters in macbeth movie. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

NUGROHO, WAHYU ARDI (2019) “The use of indonesian english code mixing in youtube channel by deddy corbuzier”. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Nida, Fitria Khoirin (2019) English education department students’ difficulties in writing english passages as efl learners. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Ningrum, Merta Kusuma (2019) The english vocabulary mastery of The eleventh grade studentsof sma n 3 pati taught by using “dangdut arrangement” Of english songs. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Peer Review Creative Teaching for Interactive Classroom. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Peer Review Developing Student's Literacy through English Debate Practice. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Peer Review Empowering Classroom English Proficiency through Communicative Peer Assessment. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Peer Review Literacy Development of Young Learnes Through the Use of Multimedia at Elementary School. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Peer Review Peer Teaching as a Simulation for Communicative Classroom English Rehearsal. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Peer Review Peer modeling for Classroom English Practice in Peer Teaching Activity. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Peer Review Peningkatan Ketrampilan Berbicara (Speaking) Mahasiswa Melalui Teknik English Debate. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Peer Review Speaking for Instructional Purposes. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Sertifikat Creative Teaching for Interactive Classroom. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Sertifikat Empowering Classroom English Proficiency through Communicative Peer Assessment. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Sertifikat Film Dubbing as an Alternative of ICT Based Teaching in Translation Class. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Sertifikat Literacy Development of Young Learnes Through the Use of Multimedia at Elementary School. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Sertifikat Peer modeling for Classroom English Practice in Peer Teaching Activity. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Sertifikat Prosiding. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Turnitin Creative Teaching for Interactive Classroom. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Turnitin Developing Student's Literacy through English Debate Practice. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Turnitin Film Animasi sebagai Media Pembelajaran Terpadu untuk Memacu Keaksaraan Multibahasa pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Turnitin Film Dubbing as an Alternative of ICT Based Teaching in Translation Class. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Turnitin Literacy Development of Young Learnes Through the Use of Multimedia at Elementary School. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Turnitin Peer modeling for Classroom English Practice in Peer Teaching Activity. FKIP.

Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Turnitin Speaking for Instructional Purposes. FKIP.

PRAMAISELA, DIAN NOVA (2019) The ability of writing descriptive text of the seventh grade students of mts nu miftahul falah cendono dawe kudus taught by using video clip in academic year 2019/2020. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Panggayuh, Adinda (2019) The listening skill of the tenth grade students Of sma muhammadiyah kudus in academic year 2019/2020 taught by using “ english pop song”. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Pramadi, Novan (2019) Students’ problems in writing descriptive text (a case study at sman 1 jekulo kudus academic years 2019/2020). Sarjana thesis, UMK.


Purwanto, Muhammad Heri (2019) The writing ability of descriptive text of the tenth grade students of sma negeri 1 pecangaan jepara in academic year 2019/2020 taught by using silent movie. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Putri, Wahyu Kartika (2019) Students’ perception of english vlog competition In sma n 3 pati. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

QODRIYAH, LAILATUL (2019) Cohesion of recount text written by the tenth grade students of sma walisongo pecangaan in academic year 2018/2019. Update Test thesis, UMK.

RACHMAN, RIZKY AULIA (2019) The speaking problems faced by the students At sma 1 tahunan in academic year 2019/2020. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

RAHMA, AMALIA ADITA CHURRY (2019) Teaching speaking by using manga To senior high school students. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

RIF’ATUN, SITI AINUR (2019) Students’ problem in reading comprehension (a descriptive study in sman 1 pecangaan jepara). Update Test thesis, UMK.

RIZAH, ELLA (2019) Teachers’ strategies in teaching readingsma negeri 1 mayong in jepara. Update Test thesis, UMK.

Rahayu, Saiha Endri (2019) The effectiveness of using cartoon movie to teach english vocabulary in jun6ior high school. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Ramandani, Ulfia (2019) Drs. Muh. Syafei, M.Pd., (ii) Aisyah Ririn Perwikasih Utari, S.S., M.Pd. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Rini, Dian Setyo (2019) A comparative study of english learning motivation between tourism major students and beauty major studentsin SMK negeri 3 pati. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Rokhayani, Atik and Nurcahyo, Agung Dwi (2019) Surat Pencatatan Ciptaan "Speaking For Instructional Purposes". KEMENKUMHAM.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Peer Review Bringing out Positive Politeness to Sharpen Students’ English Communication Skill in Islamic Boarding School. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Peer Review Communication Strategies in the Conversation between Indonesian University Students and A Native Speaker. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Peer Review Education Model and Formation of Indonesia Youth Character Through Scout Movement. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Peer Review Fostering English Vocabulary Mastery to Autistic Students Through Speech Therapy. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Peer Review Implementing English Thematic-Integrated Learning for Children (Young Learners). FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Peer Review Online Poster Presentation to Activate Students’ Writing Ability. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Peer Review Promoting Students' Reading Proficiency Through Reciprocal Technique. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Peer Review Strategi membentuk Karakter Semangat Kebangsaan Anggota Ambalan Kyai Mojo dan Nyi Ageng Serang. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Sertifikat Presenter Asia TEFL 2014. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Sertifikat Presenter CONAPLIN 2014. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Sertifikat Presenter ELTLT 2017. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Sertifikat Presenter ICESS 2015. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Sertifikat Presenter LOOW 4 2014. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Turnitin Bringing out Positive Politeness to Sharpen Students’ English Communication Skill in Islamic Boarding School. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Turnitin Communication Strategies in the Conversation between Indonesian University Students and A Native Speaker. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Turnitin Education Model and Formation of Indonesia Youth Character Through Scout Movement. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Turnitin Fostering English Vocabulary Mastery to Autistic Students Through Speech Therapy. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Turnitin Implementing English Thematic-Integrated Learning for Children (Young Learners). FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Turnitin Online Poster Presentation to Activate Students’ Writing Ability. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Turnitin Promoting Students' Reading Proficiency Through Reciprocal Technique. FKIP.

Romadlon, Farid Noor (2019) Turnitin Strategi membentuk Karakter Semangat Kebangsaan Anggota Ambalan Kyai Mojo dan Nyi Ageng Serang. FKIP.

Rosyidah, Rini Faiqotur (2019) Code switching produced by coaches and contestants in “the voice kids indonesia” season 3. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Rusiana, Rusiana and Maharani, Mega Mulianing (2019) HELPING YOUNG LEARNERS TO ACQUIRE ENGLISH PRE READING SKILLS THROUGH READING STORIES. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on TEYLIN, TEYL: Welcoming Generation Alpha. ISSN 978-623-7312-21-5

SAFITRI, ERLITA (2019) The use of flashcards in teaching vocabulary to the fifth grade students’ of sdn 2 wergu wetan kudus. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

SAPUTRA, ACHLIS NOOR (2019) The vocabulary mastery Of the tenth grade students of smk 1 kudus In 2018/2019 academic year Taught by using t-flat learn english. Update Test thesis, UMK.

SAPUTRO, MUHSHON RAGIL (2019) The students’ perception of english as “lintas minat” subject of sma n 1 kayen pati. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

SATYANI, ARISONA (2019) The problems in learning speaking faced by The eleventh grade student of sma pgri 1 pati In academic year 2019/2020. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

SA’IDAH, CHUSNAWATI (2019) An analysis of teachers’ questioning strategies in english classroom (a qualitative case study of teachers questioning in smk nu ma’arif kudus). Update Test thesis, UMK.

SHOLIKHAH, SITI (2019) The use of instagram as a media To teach students’ writing recount text. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

SOFIA, EVA MAELA (2019) Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa melalui model contextual teaching and learning tema 4 berbagai pekerjaan pada siswa kelas iv sd 2 hadipolo. Sarjana thesis, UMK.


Sari, Kiki Ervina (2019) Teacher’s strategies in teaching vocabulary (a case study tothe fifth grade students in sd 3 wergu wetan kudus). Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Sari, Yulia (2019) Penerapan model creative problem solving berbantuan baltesil untuk peningkatan berpikir kreatif pada tema 7 indahnya keragaman negeriku kelas iv Sdn 03 kayen pati. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Savitri, Eka (2019) Figurative language Used in william wordsworth’s selected poems. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Sulistiyowati, Delvilliana Fibri (2019) Students’ perceptions toward debate in academic speaking class to develop critical thinking (a case of undergraduate students at universitas muria kudus). Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Susanti, Hesti (2019) Using list group label (lgl) strategy to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Syifa', Amrita (2019) Teaching simple past and present perfect tense by using sholawat badar song notation to tenth grade students of ma nu banat kudus. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Tastaftiyan, Siti Fatimah (2019) Writing skill problemsof the eleventh grade students of ma darunnajah margoyoso pati in academic year 2018/2019. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

ULYA, AROFATUL (2019) The problems faced by the teachers in teaching english by using literature in islamic high schools of kudus. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Ustadzi, Robiulana (2019) The students’ perceptions on mobile games as learning media in sma 2 bae kudus in academic year 2019/2020. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

WIDIASTUTI, INDAH (2019) Improving the students’ vocabulary mastery By using illustrated colored pictures. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

WIDIASTUTI, KURNIA (2019) The writing ability of narrative text of the eleventh grade students of sma pgri 1 pati in 2018/2019 academic year taught by using story mapping. Update Test thesis, UMK.

WIDIYONO, WAHYU (2019) Teachers’ manner variability in teaching english (a case study in mts nurul islam jepara). Update Test thesis, UMK.

WIGATI, ALFIA DIAN (2019) The english vocabulary mastery of the seventh grade students of smpn 3 tambakromo pati in academic year 2017/2018 taught by using mnemonic keyword method. Update Test thesis, UMK.

Widya Ariani, Seruni (2019) The use of songs in billboard chart to teach vocabulary to the eleventh grade students of sma n 2 kudus. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Wulansari, Falasyifa Dwi (2019) Error analysis of the english vowels pronunciation Made by the first semester students Of primary school teacher education department Of muria kudus university. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

YUDIANTO, NABELLA APRILYA WATY (2019) The students’ motivation of learning english Of beginner class in english box. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

Yulianah, Lindha (2019) The correlation betweenwatching english movies and english speaking ability Of the fourth semesterstudents of eed of umk in 2018/2019 academic year. Sarjana thesis, UMK.

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